Summary - visitor statistics
Number of log data records found for the latest 30 days: 1081
Of all pageviews are 93% made by Robot indexing visits.
Latest human visit: 2023:08:13, 16:55:57 - (12662:43:44 time ago)
Time frame |
Unique |
Visit 2 |
Pageviews |
Actions |
Returning |
Search Engine |
28-day trend 3 | +0% (0/24hr) |
- | +0% (0/24hr) |
- | - | - |
Latest 7 days |
WAU 0 0/24hr, −100% |
0 0/24hr |
0 0/24hr, −100% |
- | 0 (0%) 5 0 (0%) 6 |
0 (0%) |
Latest 24 hr |
DAU 0 0/24hr, −100% 1 |
0 0/24hr |
0 0/24hr, −100% 1 |
- | 0 (0%) 5 0 (0%) 6 |
0 (0%) |
Latest 30 day |
MAU 50 2/24hr, ref |
60 2/24hr |
83 3/24hr, ref |
- | 4 (8.0%) 16 (19%) 7 |
30 (50%) |
Std Dev week to week |
0/24hr [ 0% ] |
- | 0/24hr [ 0% ] |
- | - | - |
Std Dev weekdays |
0/24hr [ 0% ] |
- | 0/24hr [ 0% ] |
- | - | - |
Std Dev 28 day to day |
0/24hr [ 0% ] |
- | 0/24hr [ 0% ] |
- | - | - |
Max 24 hr |
35 2022-01-22 |
37 2022-01-22 |
62 2022-01-22 |
- | - | - |
Max 7 days |
97 2022-01-28 |
105 2022-01-28 |
161 2022-01-28 |
- | - | - |
Max 30 day |
144 2022-02-18 |
167 2022-02-18 |
244 2022-02-18 |
- | - | - |
Time frame |
Unique |
Visit 2 |
Pageviews |
Actions |
Returning |
Search Engine |
2) A visit session = one or more actions of an unique visitor (typically page views), which are performed no longer than 30min apart.
3) Regression analysis of the linear visit trend of the latest 28-days. 28 days (four full weeks) are used to neutralize a weekday dependency.
4) No. / Percent of all visit session entries initiated by Search Engines, based on the referrer that some clients & sites block.
5) Relative to (based on) the full time frame of 30 days.
6) Relative to (based on) the limited time frame of 7 days / 24 hr.
7) Visited web pages by returning visitors.
8) The Unique visitors is an uncertain metric, only valid over a shorter time.
Cookies |
DNT 1 |
BP |
Logical |
Device Memory |
Touch |
Network |
Downlink |
Downlink |
0: 100% |
0: 0% 1: 100% |
0: 83% 1: 17% |
0: 12% 5: 88% |
?: 1.3% 2: 6.6% 4: 46% 6: 2.6% 8: 33% 12: 9.2% 16: 1.3% 52: 1.3% |
?GB: 63% 2GB: 7.1% 4GB: 7.1% 8GB: 86% |
?: 88% 1: 11% 2: 11% 5: 67% 10: 11% |
?: 91% cellular: 57% wifi: 43% |
?: 63% 3g: 11% 4g: 89% |
?: 63% 1: 14% 3: 3.6% 5: 3.6% 6: 7.1% 9: 3.6% 10: 68% |
2. Downlink Effective values are rounded down to nearest integer Mbit/s, to get clear statistics.
3. Are these six fixed device memory values. Seems to round to nearest lower.
? = Not supported data in the clients browser. Apple Safari is worst in class.
Time frame |
Visitors Countries |
Visitors Regions |
Visitors Cities |
Accept-Languages |
Screen |
Search |
Search |
Latest 24 hr |
0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | - |
Latest 7 days |
0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | - |
Latest 30 day |
17 | 17 | 21 | - | - | - | - |
Time frame |
Unique Robots |
Indexed |
Robot Countries |
Robot Regions |
Robot Cities |
Hackish style visits |
Latest 24 hr | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Latest 7 day | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Latest 30 day | 321 | 1004 | 27 | 46 | 74 | 66 |
Viewed webpages by humans, per day statistics
Mean page views of today weekday: 1.2Median: 0, Mean: 1.6, Max: 12, Predicted for today: 1.1 (web pages viewed per day)
Copyright © 2010 - 2011 Bosse at
Visa BesöksStatistik:
Loggat av: PhpTrackIT
(max 1 besök loggas per 0.5 hr per unik besökare¹ och webbsida)
Hela webbplatsen:
- Webbsidor¹ senaste 30 dygnen: 85 av personer² & 1006 av robotar²
- Webbsidor¹ senaste 24hr: 3 av personer² & 27 av robotar²
- Unika besökare¹ senaste 24hr: 2 personer², 20 robotar²
- Webbsidor per unik besökare senaste 24hr: 1.5/person², 1.4/robot²
- Unika besökare¹ senaste 30 dygnen: 51 personer², 332 robotar²
- Webbsidor per unik besökare senaste 30 dygnen: 1.7/person², 3.0/robot²
- Snitt senaste 30 dygnen (webbsidor/24hr): 3 av personer² & 34 av robotar²
- Snitt senaste 30 dygnen (unika besökare/24hr): 1.7 personer² & 11.1 robotar²
- Robotar utgör 92.2% av besöken senaste 30 dygnen
- Max webbsidor/24hr: 62 av personer, 2022-01-22
- Max unika besökare/24hr: 35 personer, 2022-01-22
- Max webbsidor/30dygn: 244 av personer, 2022-02-18
- Max unika besökare/30dygn: 144 personer, 2022-02-18
Max statistik loggad sedan: 2021-08-13
- Server time uses for PhpTrackIT logging:
- Primary log: 51.9 ms (log time part affecting webpage load time)
- Secondary log: XXX ms (asynchronous log time not affecting webpage load time)
- Ping time (Server-Browser-Server Internet round-trip time, via Php/Ajax): XXX ms
- ServertimeThis: 0.2 (ms), inclusive Includetime: 0.1 (ms)
¹ Enligt en anonym unik virtuell besökare algoritm (UVV, Unique Virtual Visitor).
² Enligt en robot-igenkännande algorithm som effektivt skiljer på robot- och person-besök.